- November 4, 2013
- in Green Tips
- by marcos
- 778
- 0
Is it just my imagination, or are they sending out updated editions of the phone book and Yellow Pages a lot more often than they used to?
When I was growing up, it seemed like we had the same phone book the whole time. I remember it, because my Uncle George who fancied himself the Human Hulk said he knew a trick whereby he could tear an entire phone book in half with his bare hands. It didn’t quite work out that way, although he did thoroughly mangle the A-G listings.
And the Yellow Pages; I don’t ever remember getting an updated version. Our copy was sort of our family Bible, not only a source of information but a record of our lives. Especially the page with the phone listing for our family doctor, which was crammed with frantically written margin notes in my mom’s handwriting, instructions from the good doctor’s office for treating her two accident-prone young sons. Things like: “Induce vomiting immediately!”, “Not contagious…as far as the doctor knows,” and (multiple entries) “Should pass in his stool within 48-hours.”
Okay, so maybe it is just my imagination, but certainly the phone company is distributing a heck of a lot more phone books than they need to in this era when so many of us retrieve the phone numbers we need on the Internet instead. More than half a BILLION phone books are printed and distributed every year in the U.S., which is nearly two books for every American. That consumes about 19 million trees. Here’s how to help curb this waste of paper and make the best use of outdated phone books you have on hand: