• North bay, East Bay and San Francisco
  • 08.00 am - 06.00 pm

Friday Quote: Tar-sands protests go global

Protests against a proposed tar-sands pipeline, which have already mushroomed into the largest civil disobedience actions in America in many years, broke out across the globe today, with solidarity demonstrations at U.S. and Canadian embassies and consulates on six continents.

In Durban, South Africa, visiting Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had to cross a picket line thrown up by climate justice campaigners. "We were wearing Barack Obama T-shirts," said organizer Patrick Bond. He said the pickets would continue weekly.

In Wellington, New Zealand, 35 campaigners carrying signs that said "We Are All Downstream" and "Don't Tar Canada's Reputation" gathered with an oil-stained flag outside the Canadian embassy. "The Embassy shut down for the afternoon rather than deal with us," said Aaron Packard, Pacific director for the climate campaign 350.org.

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