- April 17, 2011
- in Green Tips
- by marcos
- 795
- 0
Our civilization, pace Chesterton, is founded on coal, more completely than one realizes until one stops to think about it. The machines that keep us alive, and the machines that make machines, are all directly or indirectly dependent upon coal. Read more
Week 2 Challenge: Shopping To procure conscious food, stack the odds in your favor. It takes an education to get the good stuff at a supermarket, but you have to work really hard to get the bad stuff at a Read more
I’ve often seen imagery of oil wells spouting flame and wondered how much natural gas is being wasted in the process. It seems it’s a lot.. and that’s an understatement. A recent report from GE states an estimated 5 percent Read more
Geologist Peter Kelemen and geochemist Juerg Matter have their eyes on a certain rock — a rock that has the ability to turn carbon dioxide into solid minerals. The rock, called peridotite, is prevalent just beneath the earth’s crust. The Read more
At Sierra Trading Post, we’re all about great deals on great brands. It’s our bread and butter! In fact, we’re so excited, we’ve decided to give our loyal fans (that’s you!) a chance to win some great products from our Read more
Protect water from pet poop. EPA: Green Tips Podcasts Read more
Almost one year after the BP spill and residents in the gulf are still dealing with the effects, their concerns ignored – all the while politicians fight for more drilling. Now, a courageous group of residents and activists walked from Louisiana for Washington to protest Read more
Paul Watson has no affection for Japanese whalers. He’s a former Greenpeace member who broke off to start the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. Lately, his organization’s boat, the Steve Irwin, has been chasing the Japanese whaling fleet in Antarctic waters Read more
Save water by fixing leaks. EPA: Green Tips Podcasts Read more
Home maintenance can equal energy savings. EPA: Green Tips Podcasts Read more