- April 19, 2014
- in Green Tips
- by marcos
- 837
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Proper maintenance reduces waste. EPA: Green Tips Podcasts Read more
It’s been one of those weeks with doom and gloom everywhere I seemed to look, but this positive story caught my eye – a company taking organic waste and turning it into fuel and fertilizer.Harvest Power announced yesterday it has Read more
If you have a lot of subscriptions or read a lot of books, e-readers and tablet computers like the iPad can eliminate paper waste. thedailygreen.com article feed Read more
The amount of food waste we generate each year is incredible. It’s not only an environmental issue, but a humanitarian and financial one. Pick up some food waste reduction tips and save a stack of money! Green living tips Read more
Waste not, want not is a saying I heard many times growing up and it’s taking on even more importance now with our environment under assault on so many fronts and many natural resources rapidly dwindling. Green living tips Read more
I was standing next to the external vent of our gas heater a while back and noticed there was an awful lot of heat issuing forth; heat that would have been better off inside – without the carbon monoxide of Read more
Diseased, dead or dying trees aren’t normally associated with high value wood products that are processed with sustainable values in mind. But that’s exactly what Portland’s Goby Walnut and Western Hardwoods delivers. DownToEarthNW.com: DTE News stories Read more
An Australian charity estimates the value of last year’s discarded/unwanted Christmas gifts was more than $ 750 million – that’s a lot of money for such a small country and represents a big impact on the environment. The damage done, Read more
I’ve often seen imagery of oil wells spouting flame and wondered how much natural gas is being wasted in the process. It seems it’s a lot.. and that’s an understatement. A recent report from GE states an estimated 5 percent Read more
Protect water from pet poop. EPA: Green Tips Podcasts Read more